Engagement Window - A bullet hell where the window resizes as you fight

i mean, honestly, you could probably just email yellowafterlife, now that i see its a paid plugin from em. at the very least they’d be able to know immediately whether or not its something that has a solution. or just outright fix it from the end of the plugin

yeah, sadly the problem isn’t in Winwin, the problem is that i’m resizing the actual real game window itself. it’s just kinda how Gamemaker renders. Gamemaker doesn’t adjust the internal resolution size fully until the actual window has stopped being resized for a few frames, which it does to make sure that it doesn’t resize the surface every frame if the player is just fucking around and resizing the window a ton for no reason. which is an admirable goal, but unfortunately, they failed to consider that maybe the developer is fucking around and resizing the window for no reason and wants to resize the surface every frame.

I’ve not been able to find a solution yet, but the worst case scenario is that I do what I really didn’t want to do - make the game actually secretly fullscreen borderless the whole way, and then have alpha on anything not rendered by the camera. This way, the window itself isn’t actually resizing, but it looks like it is. This seems like an IMMENSE pain in the ass, and would require me to reprogram literally everything in the entire game from scratch.

The other solution I’m unsure on is to actually make it a winwin window. But that leads to the problem of “Then what do I do with the actual main game window?” which is a question that I really don’t have an answer to and really don’t want to have to find one.

1x1 px, top-left corner. Ship It :dark_sunglasses:

Assuming that a Winwin window can handle the load of running the game itself, could you make the dialog box at the bottom the main window, since it doesn’t seem to need to move or resize?

I gave your prototype a try. I did not do very well since I am very poor at bullet hell, but it’s a very cool idea executed really smoothly so far.

well. i have tried to make the main window a winwin window. Turns out winwin windows scale literally perfectly. but when i rigged up the game’s view to being a winwin window, it broke again. So there’s only one thing I can blame now. The weak link is gamemaker’s camera. that’s the thing adding the weird issue with resizing.

This leaves me with two solutions to this problem:

  1. Rewrite the entire fucking game to draw without using viewports or cameras. This seems like hell. But at this point it’s sure seeming like the better fucking solution.
  2. scrap the game entirely and move to godot and delay my dev by like, a year while I learn C++ and how to use that godot plugin that they used to make Windowkill. I also, really, really really don’t want to do this. This seems like the worst possible thing I could do.

so i’m. kinda lost rn. not sure what to do about this. This is such a small thing but it would genuinely destroy the game, because it has made a few people nauseous in playtesting, and if I can’t polish this out then I mean. that’s the game right there, that’s another scrapped project, and I started this game as an exercise to see if I can get myself to actually commit to and finish something at some point in my life.

if you are / happen to know someone who knows a lot about Gamemaker’s rendering code, please get in touch, I really need help on this one and I’m rapidly running out of options.

edit: always take a nap before you angry post because i cracked it. i’m gonna have to spend a few hours fixing it but it works and doesn’t get weird and glitchy and ugly. There’s only a single frame flash once the menu stabilizes but honestly I can pass that off as narrative, just add a sound effect or something. i don’t care. it works. it works oh my god it WORKS. kinda. i’ve gotta fix off a ton of bugs that developed as a result of my newfound spagetti code but it’s an absolute miracle that it’s working this well

what’s up geeks and gamers i have locked in over the last like. 4-5 days in a way that is DEFINITELY me trying to distract myself from something. ANYWAY HERE WE GO BABY I’VE GOT FOOTAGE. HERE’S EVERYTHING I’VE MADE OVER THE LAST WEEK. LONG POST INCOMING

First things first! Remember when i said this:

yeah well turns out i had to reroute the engine’s rendering code to some degree

But it looks GOOD now! Finally, it doesn’t devolve into minecraft map art every time I try to do something! I’m taking a significant performance hit to render the game to a fourth window, which is not a good idea, but honestly, at this point, the number of things in this game that aren’t bad ideas is dwindling.

But in the way cooler news - I’m TRYING something.

I’ve spent a lot of time wondering what Engagement Window, as a game is outside of the resizing gimmick. And my idea was to use someone else’s idea. A friend of mine suggested the idea of moving and manipulating the positions of Broken enemies to set up longer chains. Kinda puyo-puyo esque. and I liked this so much I’m gonna give it a go in alpha!

So, to let me do that, I gave the player characters a complete rework!

First off, Type-A, aka Pugilist Dancer!

The Dancer’s got an airburst shotgun that bounces enemies back, an EMP launcher that stuns enemies in place, and a reverse shot that does absurd damage at point blank. The intent is to let the Dancer play fast and risky, and reward her for rushing down enemies and playing aggressive, by letting her do absurd shotgun damage and setting up more elaborate chains.

(The Dancer’s currently got some exploits that lets her generate almost infinite energy and honestly I kinda wanna keep them because I think it’s really cool to keep punching the same enemy over and over for infinite power)

Then the new character! Type-B, aka Refractory Lens! She’s got a side shot, a magnetic field that attracts or repels enemies in range, and a SICK ass finisher that took me like. 8 hours to program. It marks enemies with funnels that charge as long as the button is held, and then fire when released, pressing shift causes them to shift orientation, too, which was a real fun challenge to solve.

Type-B’s playstyle is inspired by Gundam lore, where funnels are extremely difficult to control due to the sheer mental difficulty of controlling both your own mech and several drones. So she’s got a lot more potential for combo chains than Type-A does, but in exchange is really overwhelming to play. Even getting this footage was a nightmare

Honestly her moveset was SO MUCH FUN to make. So many annoying programming problems I was excited to polish out and god did it turn out well. She could really use a feeeew more touchups here and there, mostly for gamefeel, and mostly on the magnet. but as it stands, this is one of my favorite things I’ve made for this game so far. I really am proud of how well this is coming along.

Thank you all for the support and feedback and everyone and AAAA I;M MAKING A VIDEO GAME WHAT THE FUCK

anyway watch girls band cry