Disk Mayhem 2

hey wassup gamerz

@kdx and I have started working on a platformer fighter revolving around throwing and dodging sawblades. It is a sequel to Disk Mayhem, a jam entry from 2020.

The project is still at an early stage, so we don’t have much to share.

more pixel art soon, see ya :3

Looks very promising! Is this game done with LOVE as well?

Godot this time!

Design-wise the game feels a bit strange. We implemented some basic movement techs like bouncing on our own disks, but i don’t know if it works well with the dodging aspect of the game.

i checked out the web build above but could only get so far in ahaha - my keyboard doesn’t have a rightctrl key, and it wasn’t picking up my gamepad on linux. love to see the term ‘platform fighter’ come up in a way that doesn’t just mean smashbros copy - where it has its own notion of how the fight is paced and what you are competing with

so wavedashing when >:S

love the concept, seems really fun! i like the screenwrapping, i can see some fun interactions happening with that for sure