Indie games coverage

Since the mainstream press is unforgivably stupid, what are some good places to read/hear about indies? Here are a couple to start.

Best Indie Games - mostly list-based content. Covers quite a lot of games, including genre-specific videos. Focused on commercial releases, but manages to dig up a lot that I haven’t heard of yet.

I Am A Rat - short-form recommendations. Focused specifically on Itch and IFDB games. is great! large variety of game, quality niche and experimental games featured very regularly was nice while is lasted

you can follow like-minded creators and players on, that way every time they rate a game or add one to a public collection you’ll get a new feed entry:

(as you can you’ll also get game updates and releases, but these are quite rare for obvious reasons)

its hard to get going at first, but after a while you’ll have a nice feed. there’s a lot of games on itch, and this is one of the best ways to discover new games on the platform

if you don’t know where to start, look for players on itch that curate large quantities of games in a qualitative way. for example, i saw alienmelon recommend one for horror games yesterday: if you published some games there, you can start by looking at the users that added your games in public collections