i really like your write-up - i think it cuts at the heart of a lot of the issues i have with game jams, but also why i occasionally do feel tempted to join one.
my belief is that there’s a real creative spark to creating art under constraints - time constraints, creative guidelines, without certain tools or with a new tool - whichever!
ever since ive read several works from the french oulipo (a group of writers who would create works under extreme creative constraints, such as “no use of the letter e” or “write it all in second person”), and started using similar limitations on my own writing, i realised that when you’re given walls, you build around or through them, or break them down where it’s right.
it’s somehow both easier, and makes the truly unique parts of what you’re doing shine all the more. while i personally am not the biggest on domino club (just not my thing), i do recognise that those types of jams have a very similar character the way the oulipo did things.
as a positive case in point from my personal experience with jams: the 2021 Summer of Shivers jam organised by Haunted PS1 had my narrative designer friend conor walsh ask me to team up for a small rm2k3 game. together with leaf let for sound design, we finished a game in 3 weeks.
and that was excellent! conor and i brainstormed an entire night until we had a concept (sparks flew, it ruled), i outlined the basic level design and made the pixel art that was involved, and it all just came together so beautifully and spontaneously. “There Swings A Skull” is still my most-played game on itch, and its full version “Grim Tidings” felt like a natural extension of what we’d created.
(hell, even the title of the game had been sitting in my phone notes since 2016! it took that long for that little phrase to find its home. now it has!)
you’ll have picked up on the fact that i said “3 weeks” there, though - and that’s the crux, and really my main problem with the majority of jams; there is such a thing as “not enough time”, there absolutely is such a thing as “self-crunching”, and there’s a point at which the human body is actively harmed by enduring long work hours, lack of sleep, and sustained stress - read, all the things that are present in your average 1-7 day game jam.
(hell, in the global game jam 2019 i participated in, i forgot to take a sleeping bag, and my medication, with me to the venue. meaning i couldnt sleep for 3 days, and very nearly died! that was a formative event for sure.)
id be more permissive of that as an individual choice if it weren’t for the types of people that have recently organised these types of crunch-fest.
obviously you already rounded up the fallen titans of ludum dare and global game jam, but the newest breed of game jam czars are just “youtube man who farms content off your crunch”.
due to the popularity and competitive nature of these jams, people run themselves ragged on them; i would not be surprised if they had the capability to kill. and all just for a maybe-spot in a youtube video, and an even slimmer chance at some form of recognition (be it monetary, or just clout).
the sheer density of games that are out there is, it feels like, reaching a point of criticality. finding things becomes harder and harder, and curating jams is a difficult task to be left with on one’s own. (there used to be people who would do it in the past, like sebastian standke, but they’ve recently stopped).
im not sure ill participate in a jam like this for the foreseeable future, definitely. it’s good they still exist, but i hope that the generally-accepted shape of them is still malleable and can move towards something healthier.