made a game for zero hour gamejam this year. i forgot it was going on until a half hour before it started after i went upstairs early because it turned out SNL last night was a pete davidson special, so i joined in with literally zero plan which is an awful plan considering the time frame.
its a little bullet dodger but the bullets don’t become active until you trigger them. you have to constantly press x to play your guitar which could start an electrical fire in the shower. you have to reload the page to play again if you lose. i dont think it would be fun or funny at all if not for the sound effects and stupid player animation
I had never used godots tilemaps system yet and about half the jam was spent trying to make a collision box on the floor tiles. so after i submitted i went back and added the rest of the game (the player sparks and enemy particles + the lose state for touching them) so i guess its the 1hourgamajam now. sue me…
i dont plan on touching this game project ever again after this thank you