Genshin Impact 2 -- a somewhat high effort shitpost game

hello! this weekend, i’ve finally started to take godot seriously and make serious efforts to create a complete game with it

Genshin Impact 2 is a parody game of Genshin Impact (opinion: i don’t really like or respect Genshin), a light commentary on the insane amount of low efforts survivors coming out following the trend, and most importantly, i want Genshin 2 to be a fun game than i like more than two things i despise

main scene

ui scene

the game

i’m done with most of the UI and infrastructure stuff, the game is playable, the character switch works perfectly (both with click and keybindings), the primogems are fun to collect (thank god)

today i would like to start introducing some (dumb) enemies and some fighting mechanics

if i have time, i intend on adding roll mechanics to get new characters in your team and/or upgrade 'em

on my feelings with Godot, i’ve been working with many custom engines in the past, Godot obviously doesn’t give me as much control but it’s really good. it has a very nice workflow, amazing docs and a very fast speed of iteration. i’ll probably make more “serious” games with it in the futurecd

this is really funny - it’s vaguely similar to what i had in mind for an obligatory glover clone. i think the way gacha games try to take up your mindspace is pretty similar to how survivors type games also work.

so is this your first godot thing then? what have you used before. would be cool at the end to hear more about how trying it out worked in the end

i think the way gacha games try to take up your mindspace is pretty similar to how survivors type games also work.

yeah i feel the same way, both of these game genres are getting closer and closer to perfectly tuned addiction machines and share some of the same principles. however, they have big design differences. the biggest one i can think off is than gachas try to generate frustration through gambling and FOMO in order to get the player to spend cash, and on the other hand the survivors don’t need you to spend money (you already paid!), they want to be as satisfying and frictionless as possible in order to keep you playing

so is this your first godot thing then? what have you used before. would be cool at the end to hear more about how trying it out worked in the end

first godot project indeed! i enjoy godot a lot so far, it’s very well constructed and the documentation is awesome

i used GMS2 in the past (versions prior to 2.2 mostly) when i was a windows user, made many games with it, i really like it however due to personal convictions i don’t feel comfortable depending on proprietary software that doesn’t run on linux

i made a dozen games and prototypes with LÖVE, it’s a fairly great framework however Lua has major downsides when scaling up

i also made many different handstiched engines in C or C++ with Raylib, SDL2 and Tiled as a map/scene editor. it’s more work for most, but since i have good programming skills i actually did it that way because it made my life easier. godot is waaaaaaay faster to get something running, but the flexibility of handling every part of the game logic and rendering pipeline is very cool

most of the games on my itch page are in C with SDL2

yeah i think things like survivors can get away with a little more on that front - i mean a lot of it is just borrowed from roguelikes - which we never DARE disgrace. but i think there was a point where we started thinking that ‘daily runs’ etc was a great idea and maaaybe we are overstepping the bounds of how indie games should treat players’ time

that’s definitely the way i feel about lua too - the biggest thing keeping it in consideration is that luajit is just so fast compared to normal interpreters. But if that’s an ok concession I think wren and the umka feel like some good options that just lack a framework on the level of LOVE, for now…